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Introduction of automated production lines installation conditions

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2014/4/17 14:13:05 Hits:1226
The main advantage is that water production can be automated so that the production process is preferably continuous in line , the parallel resistance, and the ratio of the balance requirements. Its production rate, can provide a lot of market demand for the product in a timely manner .
Due to the specialized production , the use of special equipment and process equipment, and mechanized transportation devices on the line , so you can improve labor productivity , shorten the production cycle , reduce product footprint and transport workload , accelerate cash flow, reduce production costs ; You can also simplify production management , production and promotion of enterprises to strengthen technical preparation and production services.
The main disadvantage of water production is not flexible enough to adapt to the market in a timely manner to changes in product yield and variety of requirements , as well as advances in technological innovation and technical requirements . Adjustments and restructuring for the pipeline needs more investment and spending more time . Workers work on the assembly line rather monotonous , tension , fatigue, not conducive to improving production technology.
For these reasons , the organization of water production must meet the following conditions :
1, the product structure and process is relatively stable and long-term needs of a large number of products .
2 , the process can be divided into a simple process , but also in accordance with the requirements of the process the same period of consolidation and break down some of the proper procedures , a single piece of time each process should not differ too much .
3, the output of products is sufficiently large , the amount of labor unit products is large, the working line in order to ensure a sufficient load.
4 , raw materials, cooperation must be standard items , standardized , and can supply schedule.
5 , have a pipeline installation conditions .
With the above conditions , and by demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility study or make decisions. After the decision to adopt water production mode , you can make specific organizational design pipeline.

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