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How to achieve green bead wire manufacturing?

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2014/4/18 16:22:17 Hits:2434
Surface of the bead wire is made ​​of high carbon steel or bronze plated copper wire having high strength , good toughness, good fatigue properties and excellent linearity , with a strong adhesive force of rubber , mainly used for the edge of the tire as reinforcement skeleton material , widely used in tire production. However, bead wire production , because of factors such as the production process , resulting in waste water , waste gas , such as environmental pollution , but also large energy companies . In today's increasingly stringent environmental standards , how to improve product quality , but also make the production process more environmentally friendly , a problem bead wire manufacturer must concern.
Development of bead wire obvious progress
Our bead wire production has experienced three stages, each stage of production have made quite good progress. The first stage in the production of cold-drawn bead wire . Prior to 1990, China bead wire less than 20 manufacturers , the main products of cold-drawn steel wire ф1mm of bead . The second stage of the production tempered bead wire . "August " at the end and the "Ninth Five -Year" period , with the broader market promotion and application of heavy continuous production process , tempered bead wire add about 20 manufacturers , product specifications also increased by a single ф1mm as ф0.96mm, ф1.2mm and ф1.42mm other specifications. The third stage of the production tinned bronze tempered bead wire . " 95" , the International Organization for Standardization ISO/TC17/SC17 project started a new job , requiring surface coating bead wire to the main tin bronze , tin bronze coating has excellent corrosion resistance and heat aging properties, can be more good to meet the requirements of high-performance radial tires. In recent years, bead wire gradually expand the scale of production companies , products tinned bronze tempered bead wire -based, enterprise-scale over 30,000 tons or more have six .
At present, China bead wire production enterprises in Shandong Daye Metal Products Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Xingda Steel Tyre Cord Co., Ltd., Guizhou Wire Rope Co., Ltd. and so on. In recent years , China's manufacturing enterprises bead wire production in the domestic market before the five producers market share of 55.1% ; from the number and size distribution, the formation of a relatively decentralized monopoly and competition in the market. Due to the rapid expansion of individual enterprises , in 2015 this pattern will change , the development of the industry will be dispersed to the relative monopolistic competition .
Implementation should focus on three aspects of energy saving
In recent years, the country has significantly increased efforts to control energy-saving , environmental protection and other aspects of the development of a series of policies and regulations , making wire rod as raw material in the bead wire in energy saving , environmental protection, production, production equipment and must be improved adjust the production process to meet the standard requirements.
● rod surface treatment
In the bead wire production process , the disk surface treatment There are two commonly used methods .
One is a large pool of concentrated chemical pickling , pickling in a separate workshop, focused on the whole bundle rod pickling tanks 2m × 2m soaking time , the surface of the disk of hot sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid, the chemical reaction , in addition to off the surface of the iron plate of the skin , and then phosphate , drying the drawing , is generally open, the large heat loss generated mist , but also produce large amounts of acid mud. This method results in the pickling effect is poor, the quality of the product by the large human factors , high energy consumption , low thermal efficiency, and produce large amounts of wastewater and environmental pollution .
The other is the market Heavy shelling + online + online drawing surface treatment production process , less process flow. By mechanical bending , the operator of the disk surface oxide stripping about 80% , and then through the efficient pickling techniques ( continuous pickling line efficient heat hydrochloric acid electrolysis or online ) , efficient blowing , countercurrent rinsing and hot air and online diboride after drying, directly drawing . As a result of mist " seal " technology , mist overflow little direct oxidation of skin peeling can be collected after the sale , to reduce secondary pollution to the environment . Because monofilament running, so fast, high efficiency, improve production efficiency, energy saving, environment makes a significant improvement in product quality can be stabilized. The craft bead wire products in the application rate of about 80% , is the development direction of the wire rod surface treatment .
● drawing
Bead wire drawing process , including crude and refined pulling wire drawing .
According to rough drawing with 7 /600 drawing machine , wire drawing finished with 6 /500 +4 / 450 is calculated , about 40% of the total energy consumption of the drawing process ; using direct wire drawing machine , bead per tonne wire power consumption 600kWh per year of electricity savings of about 46 million kWh, but still 10 % of the machine for the pulley wire drawing machine , wire drawing machine if this part of the transformation , will be about 4.6 million kWh of electricity to save space .
● Heat
Heat treatment bead wire include heat treatment of steel wire and heat treatment and surface treatment of the finished product , accounting for 50% of total energy consumption process , the main cause of lead dust pollution, water pollution and acid pickling acid mist is fetal bead wire production, energy saving and environmental protection key areas .
Water bath heat treatment technology will effectively save energy . Currently, a bead wire manufacturer in support of scientific research units, the water bath heat treatment production test. Product test results show that the process is mature and stable , the same semi-finished steel bath bead wire tensile strength after heat treatment method with lead bath wire between 1110MPa ~ 1190MPa, elongation of 8.5% to 11.5 % area reduction rate of about 52% , microstructure are " sorbitic + pearlite + half mesh sheet , strip ferrite " organization ; patenting rate of about 90% ; product quality ( strength, elongation , torsion, flatness and other indicators ) and heat-treated steel lead bath fairly stable product performance . Through comparative analysis, the company found that the heat treatment significantly reduced the cost of a water bath . The line from the 49.4 tons of lead consumption before the transformation after transformation into a "zero pollution" , a single production line is approximately 420,000 annual electricity kWh; bath method to reduce the production cost per ton of $ 68. Therefore , should promote the use of heat treatment in a water bath bead wire production, can save energy, reduce environmental pollution.
Hot hydrochloric acid pickling technology can effectively improve efficiency and product quality. In the bead wire production companies, pickling heat treatment production line open type multi- use room temperature hydrochloric acid . The method of low productivity, production lines long , in order to be able to quickly pickling , the operator will have a certain temperature, the wire into the acid tank , causing an overflow hydrochloric acid mist , only pollute the environment , but also increase production costs, but also for the production plant and equipment cause corrosion . Hot hydrochloric acid pickling techniques and technology to produce sulfuric acid electrolytic pickling process can improve the efficiency and quality , reduce environmental pollution and cleaning water consumption . Hot hydrochloric acid pickling technology mainly through the " curtain " mist suppression devices , to improve the pickling effect while improving plant production environment ; electrolytic pickling technology is mature and stable , can increase productivity, but requires ventilation system and rectifier power generating more calories and pickled mud. According to a company tracking survey , hot hydrochloric acid transformation for enterprises to reduce annual consumption of 120 tons of hydrochloric acid .
Next:Our high-grade steel cord wire rod to be developed

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